Friday, December 15, 2006

USF Bestway Workers in Los Angeles Join Local 63

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On December 13, Local 63 in Covina, California received recognition from USF Bestway to represent a unit of 112 workers at the company’s terminal in Los Angeles. The win in Southern California is the latest victory in the campaign to give Bestway workers the secure future they deserve.

The win in Los Angeles follows similar victories at terminals in Albuquerque, New Mexico; Phoenix, Arizona; and San Leandro, Modesto and Sacramento, all in California.

Local 63 sought and received recognition for 112 line drivers, city drivers and dockworkers.

The dockworkers, line drivers and city drivers in the West will be organized through the Master Bestway Agreement card-check neutrality clause negotiated in the Southwest and Southeast.

Seventy percent of the 112 drivers and dockworkers in Los Angeles signed cards to form a union.

"The drivers and dockworkers at the Los Angeles terminal turned to us to get the strong, secure future that they deserve. We look forward to providing them with the best representation so that they will have strong voices on the job," said Randy Cammack, Local 63 Secretary-Treasurer.

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