The committees held kickoff meetings on June 8 and 9, where they established ground rules for the talks. More meetings were scheduled June 22 and 23.
YRCW members will have an opportunity to get an update on the discussions during a national conference call at 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) Tuesday, June 29. YRCW members should call their local unions for the call-in information.
The union and company announced the formation of the committees in late May. The YRCW companies are scheduled to re-enter the Teamster pension funds in January. Regarding the competitiveness, the goal is to look at how YRCW operates to determine if more effective and competitive modes of operations can be implemented.
“We have an opportunity, through these two committees, to shape the future of the freight industry for decades to come,” said Tyson Johnson, Director of the Teamsters National Freight Division. “For decades, the Teamsters have improved the lives of countless freight workers, and we remain committed to making sure that the industry continues to provide decent wages, benefits and working conditions.”
Meanwhile, the Teamsters announced in late May that the union has named New School professor Teresa Ghilarducci to be its selection for the YRCW board seat, which was recently negotiated as part of the job security plan. Ghilarducci is the Bernard L. and Irene Schwartz Professor of Economic Policy Analysis at the New School for Social Research in New York City. Professor Ghilarducci is a nationally recognized multi-employer and defined benefit pension expert who has worked with the Teamsters on numerous projects in the past. She has previously held a professorship at the University of Notre Dame and has researched and published extensively on employee pension and benefit matters. She is currently a trustee for the UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust for GM, Ford, and Chrysler and the Goodyear Retiree Health Care Trust for Steelworker trustees.
Conference Call June 29
All YRCW Teamsters are invited to participate on a national conference call to learn more about the joint labor-management committees that have been set up to address the YRCW companies’ re-entry into Teamster pension funds in January 2011 and ways to enhance the YRCW companies’ competitiveness in the freight industry.
The call is at 7:30 p.m. (Eastern Time) Tuesday, June 29. YRCW members should call their local unions for the call-in information.
Members will be able to submit questions during the call. The most commonly asked questions will be selected.