My dad was a trucker for 41 years," says Welch. "He started working on the dock, then became a road driver. He spent the last 27 years of his career in linehaul as a dispatcher."
While much has changed since Welch visited his dad at work, the essence of the experience remains the same.
We'd walk around the dock on a Saturday or Sunday and Dad would show me all the different kinds of freight," Welch says. "I was always interested in what this stuff was and what made it move. I was fascinated with our business back then, and I still am."
Now, with more than 30 years of experience in transportation, Welch is proud to be one of many YRC employees who grew up in the business. Talk with our professionals--on the road, the docks and in offices--and you'll find that many of them followed in a parent's footsteps. Their work is an investment of time and heart, and they're not alone: The average years of service for a YRC employee is more than 16.
Does that make a difference to you? Absolutely.
Our experience and determination will make a huge difference in the days and weeks ahead," says Welch. "The recent restructuring gives us the financial runway necessary to turn things around. Now it's up to us. We really need to bear down and do the things that give our customers confidence. I'm confident we can make this company strong and keep it going forward for many more years."