Among the competitors representing ABF are six repeat winners from 2009, three former National Champion Drivers and four 2010 state driving Grand Champions.
Name State Category Awards and Recognition
Garry Holliman Arkansas Three Axle Grand Champion
National Champion 2006,
Tony Spero* Connecticut Sleeper 2009
Timothy Melody Idaho Twins
Christopher Blandford Kentucky Twins
National Champion 1994,
John Hazlett* New Jersey Tank Truck 2000, 2007
Highest Written Score 2010
Michael Contreras* New Mexico Flatbed
Ralph Garcia* New Mexico Sleeper
Steve Limas New Mexico Five Axle
Kirk Weis New Mexico Straight Truck Grand Champion
Rosey Jarzenski Ohio Sleeper National Champion 1995
Richard Bachman Pennsylvania Straight Truck Grand Champion
Peter Root Vermont Three Axle
John Dill Wyoming Twins Highest Interview Score
Highest Pre-Trip Score
Gary Mason* Wyoming Five Axle Highest Written Score
Roger Phillips Wyoming Straight Truck
Andrew Walston* Wyoming Four Axle Highest Driving Score
Grand Champion
An asterisk (*) denotes repeat winners from 2009.
Team Championship trophies were also awarded to the ABF driving teams in Arkansas, New Mexico and Wyoming.
"ABF is extremely proud of our drivers who have earned the privilege to compete in this year's National Truck Driving Championships. These 16 drivers are just a small sampling of the ABF professional drivers who on a daily basis safely deliver and protect the goods entrusted to us, bringing unmatched value-added logistics solutions to our customers," said Sam Cates, ABF safety and security director. "The reputation ABF enjoys as a trusted supply-chain partner and an industry leader in safety will be well represented with this group."