The Load Team members and their customer service centers are:
Sly Bryant, Atlanta
John Burzawa, Chicago
Kevin Grimes, Salt Lake City
Brad Hubbard, Winston-Salem, N.C.
Derek Jones, Albuquerque, N.M.
James Madewell, Dayton, Ohio
Julio Rodriguez, Dallas, Texas
Jason Seeger, Carlisle, Penn.
Fred Stroud, Kansas City, Mo.
Doug Thornton, Little Rock, Ark.
"Load Team members help to personify ABF's commitment to meeting the needs of our customers through safe and efficient freight handling," says ABF's Vice President of Terminal Operations, Murray Babb. "Due to the talents of dedicated employees like these, shipping customers can trust ABF — knowing that more than 99 percent of all shipments are moved claim free."
Load Team members are selected on the basis of their safety records, involvement in ABF's Quality Process, integrity and their ability to load trailers in an optimal fashion – a skill that facilitates the safe, timely and efficient movement of shipments. The Load Team program was established not only to honor outstanding performance but also to draw upon dock employees' insights regarding dock procedures and equipment.