Monday, February 09, 2015

Byron Bramwell—Missouri Driver of the Month

Congratulations go out to Driver Byron Bramwell on receiving the Driver of the Month Award for the State of Missouri.  He will be recognized for this honor at the Missouri Trucking Association Convention Banquet on February 5 in Branson, MO.

In addition, Byron and representatives from YRC Freight have been invited to appear before the Missouri State Legislature in Jefferson City, MO, to be recognized for this significant accomplishment.

Throughout the year, 12 drivers from Missouri Trucking Association member companies will be chosen to represent the State of Missouri as Driver of the Month, culminating in one of those 12 drivers becoming Missouri Driver of the Year.  The winning drivers are honored at the Missouri Trucking Association Annual Luncheon for their accomplishments.

Individuals are nominated for the Driver of the Month award based on safety records, care and operation of equipment and self-improvement and community involvement.  In addition, in order to receive this award, a driver must be a member of the Missouri Trucking Association and be a resident of Missouri (or travel regularly between a domiciled terminal and a Missouri terminal).

Located at Terminal 326 in Kansas City, MO, Byron is a city driver with an accumulated 2,634,920 safe-driving miles.  An impressive number on any given set of roads, reaching this milestone as a city driver requires unwavering attention and commitment to safety.

Having been a Captain on America’s Road Team, Byron is no stranger to spreading the word about safety.  For two years, he was able to travel alongside other Team Captains and speak on behalf of the trucking industry to promote highway safety to motorists.  During his career of over 35 years, he has participated in more than 20 truck driving championships and was named Missouri Grand Champion in 2010.

Congratulations on this latest accomplishment, Byron!

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